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LifeLines (PTDC/BIA-BMA/28304/2017) Vulnerability of fisheries and coastal ecosystems to droughts: today & tomorrow

WarmingWebs (PTDC/MAR-EST/2141/2012) Role of biodiversity, species thermal tolerance and food web structure in the response to climate change: Temperate versus tropical ecosystems.


BioPlume (PTDC/AAG-REC/2139/2012) Dependence of coastal ecosystems on river run-off: today & tomorrow,


CoralSol - Response of the invasive coral, Tubastraea coccinea, to climate change and extreme thermal events - potential effects on competition with the native coral Mussismilia hispida. Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - Brasil.

Collaborating in:


























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ExtremeOceans - Unravelling evolutionary physiology landscapes of coastal marine fauna under extreme temperatures using a multi-layer Systems Biology approach (coordinated by Carolina Madeira).

SardiTemp - Impact of climate change on the ecology and dynamics of small pelagic fish (coordinated by Gonçalo Silva)

FutureMARES – H2020-LC-CLA-2019-2 Climate Change and Future Marine

Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity (coordinated by Myron Peck). 

PORTWIMS - “Portugal Twinning for innovation and excellence in marine science and Earth observation”. H2020-WIDESPREAD-Twinning 810139 - (coordinated by Vanda Brotas). Workpackage Leader

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